Transient Collection by Designer Rugs, Designer Rugs

Transient Collection - Current

Designed by
Designer Rugs

Product Category:

Accessories - Rugs

  • Product information
  • Materials

TRANSIENT is a journey through natural and manmade spaces, the shift and changes of surfaces through time and materials, the building and erosion of structures and patterns both organic and geometric. The result is a myriad of textures that have both a feeling of permanence and impermanence at the same time, moving and shifting underfoot to add an animated energy to any space.

CURRENT is an abstraction of pulsing energy waves and electrical current surging through wire mesh.

- Designed in Australia by Lia Pielli
- Made in China
- Handtufted New Zealand Wool + Bamboo



Handtufted New Zealand Wool + Bamboo


Stock size 2000mm x 3000mm

Custom colour, size and shape available

Lead time
1-3 Weeks
Good to know
- Please allow 16+ week lead time if not in stock